If you have a busy lifestyle, you’ve probably told yourself that it’s not worth having a pet since you’ll likely just end up neglecting it. But there are a number of pets you can own that require very little attention and a minimal amount of care. Dogs, for instance, are very social animals, needing love, attention, and training throughout their lives (or you may come home to a shredded pillow or two). But these seven pet options may be perfect for you if you still want to come home to a companion that was doing just fine without you for a while.
Once you have all the right auto feeders and watering stuff, hamsters are quite happy to be left alone for long periods of time. While it’s recommended that you interact with your hamster for the first week of having it (so that it can get accustomed to you), after that, it’s quite okay to leave them to their own devices. Hamsters don’t mind small spaces as long as they feel safe.
You’ll need to change its cage shavings and bedding once a week. Other than that, you’ll simply need to make sure it has enough food and water while you’re not home. Bear in mind that hamsters rarely live past three years, so if you’re looking for a more long-term pet, check out the next option.
Most cats are predominantly happy to be on their own but also offer high-value companionship when they are around their owners (or even other people like your neighbors). If your home environment is pet-friendly, a cat will thrive without much attention or care. Kittens can be a handful for the first few months of their lives and require a series of preventative shots, but after that, they adapt to their environment and keep themselves stimulated without any help from humans.
Is pet insurance worth it if you own a cat? If you want to keep down expenses and ensure the safety and health of your cat, then yes! Vet bills for cats are on the higher side of their list of expenses, but pet insurance is affordable and a good safeguard to have in place in case something does go wrong.
Bug or Insect Pets
Don’t rule out creepy crawlies as a low-maintenance pet option. Stick insects, snails, spiders, and even scorpions can be great additions to your home and will even help you get over your fear of them if you have one!
Certain Reptiles
Snakes are a good pet option if you don’t have a fear of them. Some would even argue that having a pet snake is a good way to overcome ophidiophobia (fear of snakes). Snakes only need to be fed once or twice a week, and besides the odd skin shedding, they’re relatively clean animals who require little to no attention.
Pet Fish
Certain fish require very particular living conditions to survive, but goldfish are one species that can live in less-than-perfect conditions. You may have to spend a little money on the tank and paraphernalia initially, but once you have everything in place, your goldfish makes an aesthetically pleasing addition to any home. There are all kinds of different varieties, many of which you can even buy online, so choose the one that you think is the prettiest.
Not to be confused with porcupines (which are much larger and require higher maintenance), hedgehogs are small, cute creatures with bristle-like spikes on their backs. Over time, they will get to know you and become comfortable with being picked up and handled, but they’re quite happy to be left alone in a fairly small cage or tank environment. Feeding hedgehogs can be inexpensive, and creating an ideal living environment for them is not difficult at all.
People who have owned pet rats can attest to the fact that they are one of the easiest pets to care for. Rats may have a bad rep, but they’re actually very intelligent creatures who don’t mind being handled by humans once they get to know their owners.
Their cages need to be cleaned on a weekly basis, and they’re not fussy eaters either. As long as they have water and a comfortable place to sleep, rats make great pets that can be let out of their cages when you’re home.
Final Thoughts
If you’re looking for a long-term pet, cats and snakes are probably your best option out of these choices since both are able to live for about 16 – 24 years. If looked after, hedgehogs live for up to five years, while rats and hamsters live for about two to three years.
Whichever low-maintenance pet you choose to get, remember to set up everything you need to make their lives comfortable beforehand. This will ensure lower maintenance, allowing you to enjoy your pet without having to worry about them being lonely or needing constant care when you’re not around.