Tag: ticks

Memorial Day Weekend Safety for Pets
Considered the unofficial kick-off to summer, Memorial Day Weekend seems to bring out the summer swimmers, boaters, barbequers and weekend travelers in many of us. That means things we haven’t been doing the last several months, will again be new, exciting and could even be dangerous for our pets! Please supervise, supervise, supervise, and keep […]
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Zoonoses OR Zooeyia? One Can Make Us Sick While the Other…Increases Wellness
Zoonoses are infectious diseases that can be transmitted between animals and humans. Ebola, Zika & Hanta virus along with Swine & Bird flu may come to mind. HIV was a zoonotic disease transmitted to humans in the early 20th century but has now evolved into a separate human-only disease. In fact, 61% of the pathogens […]
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