The first full week of June was proclaimed “PET APPRECIATION WEEK” by the AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) more than 40 years ago. The purpose was to raise awareness of the benefits pets bring to our daily lives. I can certainly talk ZOOEYIA but let’s talk APPRECIATION…
According to Merriam-Webster, ‘appreciation’ is defined as a feeling or expression of admiration, approval, or gratitude.
Oxford English Dictionary describes the term as the action of setting a monetary value on something; valuation, appraisement.
And Harvard Health suggests that giving thanks can make you happier, adding that gratitude is not only beneficial for individual health, but also for the well-being of society.
However you define it, our pets deserve IT! Our appreciation is tremendous for all they do to enhance our lives. but let’s take a deeper dive into my heart to explain my true meaning that I once shared in Atlanta Voyage Magazine,
My muses are my dogs, especially those older grey muzzled faces! Their unconditional love makes me want to do more to help them live their best lives. I find dogs to be old souls, wise and patient, and we can learn so much from them if we just take time to be in the moment like they are: to really feel the breeze brush gently across our face and ruffle our hair, to notice how gracefully the autumn leaves dance to the ground, the amazing once-in-a-lifetime masterpiece each sunrise and sunset creates, and to take time gazing into those warm brown, green or other colored canine eyes and see that all they want to do is please. So many pieces of my heart are now in heaven having had to say good bye to the most precious and loyal friends and family members…my dogs. Their passing reminds me that every moment is precious, that if we want something, we shouldn’t wait but should do all we can to reach that prize along with finding the balance to play and spend time each day in the company of our “pack.”
Once we get in touch with why we appreciate our pets, according to Forbes Magazine, there are 5 ways to express that appreciation and I totally feel they can be applied to our four-legged, feathered, finned and scaled best friends:
1. Words of Affirmation – Tell your pets everyday how much you love them! Some say our canines, felines, lagomorphs, avians, equines and other best pals may not understand the human language. Most are smarter than we can imagine but regardless of the words, they feel our feelings so can derive from our words what is in our heart. In my blog, Enrichment Creates the Bond of a Lifetime,I wrote about a young boy who asked to meet my unforgettable Haiku and upon petting my pup’s soft fur, he exclaimed, “He’s my dream come true!” What an extraordinary thing for any being to have said about them. I know Haiku felt how special that moment was whether or not he knew what those special words meant!
2. Quality Time – Isn’t that why we bring animals into our lives? To make wondeRUFFul memories together? Being in the moment, like dogs, cats and other critters are so good at, is how we can really enjoy our time on this earth and with them. Notice the gentle breeze that blows your long-coated dog’s fur, the way his nostrils are taking in the scent of wildlife, humans and potential food sources, the freshness of the air after a rain and the glory of the rise and fall of the sun each day.
3. Acts of Service – If you know me, you saw this coming…LEARN PET FIRST AID so that you can be prepared for whatever life throws your pet’s way! But another tremendous ‘act of service’ is adopting a pet in the first place and caring for him or her for his or her entire lifetime! Puppies and kittens are adorable, but consider bringing a harder-to-adopt dog or cat into your heart and home: misunderstood breed, physically challenged or one in the golden years of their life. With a senior dog or cat, what you see is what you get. Older animals have already grown into the paws/claws and personalities and want nothing more than to gaze adoringly at you. But do remember, 60 is the new 30, so you can enjoy many years with a senior pet. In life, there are no guarantees. A puppy or kitten can become ill or get injured, so making an older pet’s later years extra special is a win-win for your both.

4. Tangible Gifts – You know your pet best? What will put the wag in his tail or the purr in her engine?! What will not only be fun or tasty, but could also increase their quality of life? For my senior girl Kiko, who no longer has the grip in her paws or strength in her leg muscles to navigate our vinyl floor, TOE GRIPS have made getting up a breeze! The little round tubes I easily place over her nails, provide her the grip to rise easily and enjoy heading to the door for a walkee or the kitchen for a treat! As I get older myself, I realize what a difference certain “assists” can make in us enjoying life to the fullest.
5. Physical Touch – What could be better than an all-over doggie or kitty massage, or even a gently belly rub or ear scratch? While you’re feeling joy from the joy you are giving your best friend, dive into a head-to-tail check-up to ensure all is good and that your best friend can stay by your side as long as possible by warding off problems at onset.