Category: Radio & TV

Pet World Insider Presents Pet First Aid with Denise Fleck
In this webisode we learn about Pet First Aid with Denise Fleck from Sunny Dog Ink. Pet First Aid is an important thing for every Parent to know and understand. Denise will be sharing more Pet First Aid Tips with Pet World Insider TV and Radio fans…So stay tuned. Let the learning begin… Enjoy!
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Pet CPR on The Pit Boss
Pet First Aid Instructor Denise Fleck teaches the Pit Boss “Shorty” and friends animal life-saving skills.
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KTLA Morning News – Pet CPR / Burbank Animal Shelter
Denise Fleck of Sunny-dog Ink teaches Pet CPR and talks about her Pawstronomical Pet CPR event on the KTLA Morning News program along with 3 adorable adoptable dogs from the Burbank Animal Shelter – April 17, 2009 in Los Angeles.
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Kirstie Alley’s Big Life Pet CPR
Animal Care expert Denise Fleck uses her easy-to-understand techniques to get Kirstie Alley and her staff “Disaster Prepared” for the stable of pets in their care by teaching animal life-saving skills including pet CPR!
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Pet CPR on The Doctors (CBS)
Denise Fleck of Sunny-dog Ink demonstrates Pet CPR on The Doctors – July 2011.
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