Category: Featured

On March 8th, in 1935, the world lost an iconic canine. Hachiko, the beloved Akita whose fame arose from his unwavering loyalty to his owner, Professor Ueno, crossed the Rainbow Bridge on this day 87 years ago! March 8th has now become a day that Akita parents celebrate this amazing breed. We remember all of […]
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7 Tips That Will Improve the Health of Your Aging Pooch
Watching your dog grow old can be a slow and gradual process that is hard to come to terms with. Your senior dog may not be able to walk as far, or play as much as he used to, but this doesn’t mean that he isn’t the same dog you have always loved. Even though […]
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Enrichment Creates the Bond of a Lifetime: One Dog’s Journey Using His Eyes, Ears, Nose, Paws and Tongue
At age 15 years, 2 months and 15 days (that’s about 95 in human years1), I could not feel more blessed about the time I’ve shared on this earth with my best pal, Haiku the Chikita (Chow-Akita mix)! This bundle of fluff with almond-shaped eyes came into our lives when only 6-weeks old, so we’ve […]
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Living vs Existing
Max was my 16-year-old miniature schnauzer that I found on Craigslist. When he entered my life, he was 7 years old. The story that the “free to a good home” family gave me was that their teenage daughter had a baby, and having a dog was too much for them. I went to meet Max […]
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Tips For Choosing The Best Roomba Robot Vacuums For Pet Hair
There is an increase in the number of Roomba vacuums sold in the market today, specifically to pick up unwanted pet hair and fur. If you are a first-time buyer, you may encounter some challenges while buying the machine. In this case, when choosing a Roomba cleaner, it is advisable to select a tool which is appropriate […]
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ANIMAL SAFETY MONTH 40% off First Aid Classes
So excited to share my partnership with Animal Rescue Professionals Association! For ANIMAL SAFETY MONTH, First Aid & CPR Certificate Courses for Dogs, Cats, Birds, Rabbits & Pocket Pets (Guinea Pigs, Hamsters, Gerbils, Mice & Rats) are 40% OFF through October 31st. Successful completion of the exam rewards you with a certificate and badge! Go […]
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Grey Muzzle grants will help save thousands of at-risk old dogs nationwide
As the President of the Board of Directors of The Grey Muzzle Organization, I am happy to share this Bow Wow WondeRUFFul news… RALEIGH, NC— Old dogs and the people who love them have something to wag about this week, as The Grey Muzzle Organization announces $419,000 in grants going to 62 animal welfare groups […]
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Just Like Noah’s Ark, Gen7Pets™ Cares for Our Animal Friends!
Noah and his sons, together with his wife and the wives of his three sons, entered the ark. They had with them every wild animal according to its kind, all livestock…every creature that moves along the ground and every bird. Pairs of all creatures that have the breath of life in them came to Noah […]
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Remembering My Best Friends & All That They Have Taught Me
August 28th is Rainbow Bridge & Pet Remembrance Day. I recall so well the first event of this kind that I attended 24 years ago, just shortly after my beautiful lab Sunny went on to her next chapter in her journey through this universe. Tears streaming down my face with a candle in hand, I […]
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Writing Down Your Disaster Preparedness Plan
The reason Flight Attendants request you put on your oxygen mask before assisting others is that you have less than 15 seconds before you lose consciousness! This applies to Pet Parents & Professionals as well. You must take care of your family first. Doing so keeps you safe and gives you peace of mind to […]
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