INHALED POISONS: Dogs, Cats & Birds

Imagine you and your dog step out the front door to get the mail.  Depending on the time of day, you might notice the scent of your neighbor’s stew wafting across the breeze.  As you reach the street, if a car recently passed, exhaust may be present while finally, if you have a scented rose […]

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No PAWS About It…Hiring a Professional Pet Sitter is the Right Move for Your Pet

A pet sitter is guardian, caretaker, person in charge when cat moms and dog dads are away.  Many also look after our rabbit and pocket pet as well as feathered, finned and scaled best friends.  They need to know and do everything you do for your animal family member when you aren’t available.  You  pet […]

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February 23rd is International Dog Biscuit Day!

International Dog Biscuit Day is a bone-a-fide holiday that canines adore! Cookie or treat, a dog biscuit by any other name is still a pleasure to your pet’s palate.  Dog biscuits tend to be made of various flours and grains, flavored with meaty and vegetable goodness, and baked into hard, dry circles, squares or even […]

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You Want Me To Brush My Doggie’s Teeth?! YUP, and Your Cat’s Too!

February is National Pet Dental Month, but it is a cause you should embrace 365 days a year!  According to the American Veterinary Dental Society, more than 98% of dogs & cats with bad breath suffer from gum disease, and 80% of them develop it before they are three-years-old.  Dental problems are painful and can […]

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Understanding the Factors that Influence Betta Fish Price: A Comprehensive Guide

Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, originate from Southeast Asia and have been bred for over a thousand years. Initially, they were chosen for their aggressive behavior and used in fish fights, resembling cockfights. In the 19th century, their stunning colors were favored, leading to a shift towards selective breeding for aesthetic purposes. […]

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Change a Pet’s Life Day

January 24th is a special day set aside to encourage adoptions and create awareness for animals in need.  There are many ways you can change a pet’s life, no matter your budget or skill set, so pursue some of these all year long, but choose one to do this month to make a difference in […]

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Answer Your Cat’s Question Day: Things Your Cat Wants to Know

More than 600 million cats share the planet with us, and although we have cohabitated for close to 12,000 years, cats and humans don’t always understand each other.  Researchers at Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine say that a cat’s brain is actually more similar to the human brain than to a dog’s brain, yet […]

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HYPOTHERMIA (aka Frostbite)

Near Chagrin Falls, Ohio, a pooch named Beau went out his doggie door during a blizzard to answer nature’s call.  The eight-year-old 13 lbs. pooch did not quickly return, and to his owner’s dismay, found him outside looking like a white statue.  According to Beau’s Veterinarian, Dr. Carol Osborne, “We quickly wrapped him in blankets […]

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January 2nd is National Pet Travel Safety Day, but it is also a great time to assess and upgrade best practices for transporting your dog or cat safely.  Whether you travel to the vet or groomer, head to the park or hit the road for a vacation, take precautions as thousands of animals are injured […]

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Day #10 Ten Days of Pet Safety Tips: Quality Time With Your Pet’s Favorite Person

Today is Christmas, and whether or not you and your family celebrate big or small, it’s a super GRRRReat day (just like the other 364 days of the year are) to show your furry family members how much you love them! Making them part of the family is why we adopt in the first place, […]

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Day #9 Ten Days of Pet Safety Tips: Pet First Aid

During this action-packed time of year, people, decorations, tempting foods and human medicines (which get some humans through the season) are in abundance, so be double-dog sure you keep dangers out of paws reach, but know how to react and where to go should the worst happen. Veterinarians are the experts, but most of us […]

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Day #8 Ten Days of Pet Safety Tips: Life-Giving Water

Water does a body good — canine, feline or human, and like the planet Earth, all 3 species are 3/4 water, so we all need a fresh supply daily. Dehydration — the lack of water in the body — is a serious condition that if left untreated can result in painful urinary stones, crystals & […]

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