The Benefits of Pumpkin & Cinnamon for Dogs

Thanks to my friends at Pet First, I was able to provide this info to help YOU help your pet:  

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Tips to Help Your Senior Dog

Many thanks to the Grey Muzzle Organization for sharing my words on helping Senior Pets!

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CBD Dogs

Marijuana has been around for centuries, showing up in old medical texts like Ayurveda, a 5,000-year old healing science derived from ayur, meaning “life,” and veda, meaning “knowledge,” but marijuana, or cannabis, also appears in countless rituals all around the world.  Used for its “high,” some ancient cultures also used cannabis to communicate with the gods, and […]

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Benefits of Having a Cat Fence

Despite different personalities, most felines love the outdoors, and some outdoor time is good for a cat’s mental and physical health. Space to run and exercise can do a feline body good, yet there are risks. One of the many ways to lessen those risks is by purchasing the right cat fence. What is a […]

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10 Benefits of CATios!

10 BENEFITS OF CATIOS FOR CAT OWNERS:  Protection from vehicles, predators, poisons, diseases or getting lost or stuck in a tree.  Reduce vet bills from cat fights or injuries.  Protect birds and wildlife.  Help reduce the roaming cat populations in local communities.  Provide a healthy outdoor lifestyle with fresh air, exercise, bird watching and sunbathing.  […]

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3 Important Considerations When Picking Out A Litter Box

Litter boxes may seem simple. But finding the right one for your cat can be tricky. Here are some things that you should take into consideration when choosing a litter box.    What Size Litter Box Do You Need? It’s crucial to get the right sized litter box for your cat. If you get the […]

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Remember my 5 THINGS YOU CAN DO RIGHT NOW even before a hurricane or other disaster strikes: Remain calm Check and refresh supplies (including calming aids and ones for upset tummies) Practice transport (crates, harnessing and car rides) Practice alternate potty areas (pee pods, covered patios, even corners of garages, tubs, etc.) Stay alert to […]

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Bee Stings

One Spring morning, two Dachshund pups were playfully exploring their fenced yard when Rudy caught Abigail off guard and bounded at her from behind the rose bushes.  As Abby took a tumble landing dazed and confused, a bumble bee buzzed passed her.  The twosome, quickly distracted by this new found fun, attempted to play a […]

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How To Hide Pet Odors In Your Home

  Source   Have you seen those “nose-blind” commercials? I have, too, and I think it’s true: Some pet owners really just live in a stench they’re not aware of. Many dog and cat owners take precautions to avoid a stinky house, like making sure the dog doesn’t track in mud or hastily brushing the […]

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Springtime Pet Safety

BURNS: 1st, 2nd, 3rd Degree, Chemical & Electrical

Just like in humans, the skin is the largest organ in your dog or cat’s body, and heat, chemicals and electrical sources can cause it great harm. Second and third degree burns are highly susceptible to infection since many layers of tissue have been destroyed. A visit to your Veterinarian is in order, but cooling […]

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Clothes Dryer Injuries

To our feline friends, there may be nothing more inviting than a nice warm spot to stretch out on, curl up in or just plain relax.  A sunny window sill, a sun beam on the floor, rug near a heater or fireplace, a stove top or…even an open clothes dryer that has just finished tumbling […]

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Falls & High Rise Syndrome

Contrary to popular belief, cats do not always land on their feet. Many are injured from falls, so take care to prevent the worst from happening to your feline friend. From a fall out a window, off of a balcony or from a rooftop, cats can sustain a variety of injuries including broken bones, jaws, […]

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