Importance of Cat Litter for your Family’s Health

Nothing is more important than your family’s health, two-legged and four-legged family, and perhaps there is something in your home that you’ve been overlooking: your cat’s litter!  Having a cat means you have a litter box in the house too, but have you ever given it enough thought?  A dirty litter box is problematic to […]

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Ways to Keep Your Indoor Cat Happy

Many newbies who can’t get used to their active cats are wondering how to entertain them. The first thing to care about is to make sure your cat has enough toys to play with. Besides, you have to set aside enough of your time to play with your cat. It will help you get closer […]

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How You Can Take Care of Your Dog’s Health

When you have a pet, you will want to do all you can to give him or her the best life possible. Some pets need more attention than others, so before you add one to the family, you will need to do some research. To help you with this, we are going to zero in […]

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Enrichment Creates the Bond of a Lifetime: One Dog’s Journey Using His Eyes, Ears, Nose, Paws and Tongue

At age 15 years, 2 months and 15 days (that’s about 95 in human years1), I could not feel more blessed about the time I’ve shared on this earth with my best pal, Haiku the Chikita (Chow-Akita mix)!  This bundle of fluff with almond-shaped eyes came into our lives when only 6-weeks old, so we’ve […]

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How Owning a Dog Can Improve Your Physical and Mental Well-being

Have you found that your physical and mental well-being have taken a backseat for months, even years? People are often guilty of putting just about everything else in their lives ahead of their own well-being, pushing their own feelings to the side, and vowing to deal with it later. Unfortunately, over time, it will start […]

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7 Golden Tips for New Dog Owners

Tips for new dog owners are an essential guide if you are preparing for the latest addition to your family. Being a pet owner comes with many trials and responsibilities. It is more difficult to adjust to a new life with a pet if you don’t know what you are doing. If you are looking […]

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Which Male Hemp Flower Plant is Good Breeding Material

Well, I’m not talking about breeding your pet!  But…if you are considering CBD products for your pets, it’s always best to learn about how the ingredients are grown and what are best practices for all elements of the products you buy. Growing hemp can be a very profitable business or an exciting hobby. Depending on […]

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Tips for Choosing A Safe Collar for Your Dog

For those of you who read this blog, I know that your dog (and in some cases, cat, rabbit or other sweet creature) is your best friend! Dogs, like many other pets, are seen as members of the family and so naturally, we want to do everything that we can to keep them safe. This […]

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Keep Your Dog Active at Every Age with Alpine Outfitters

Watch for my LIVE blog on this topic Thursday, July 23rd, 2020 3pm Eastern at Although much of our daily activities have been restricted due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, it is more important than ever to keep moving.  Some humans are getting a bit stir crazy being confined to home, but it is not […]

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It only takes a short period of time for a dog or cat left in a car to get into a deadly situation — 70°F is actually considered too hot in a car! Pets don’t sweat to regulate their body temperature (normally 100.4°F – 102.5°F). Instead, they release heat through their tongue, nose and foot […]

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Summer Pet Safety Tips

The heat is on, and whether you choose a summer Vacation or Stay-cation, keep your pets in mind 24/7.  Know what to do for Heatstroke and what signs mean your pet requires emergency immediate veterinary care by boning up on your pet first-aid skills. Have plenty of fresh water available for your pet, inside & out.  […]

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Foods that Dogs Can Eat 

Halloween or not, candy is never a good addition to your dog’e diet, but do you ever feel confused thinking about what you can feed your pet? We tried answering this question for all dog lovers who care for their pet’s health.  To start off, let’s understand that while you might feel tempted to feed […]

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