Category: Animal Care Tips

According to the ASPCA, its Animal Poison Control Center sees an increase in poisoning cases around Valentine’s Day! Theobromine, a caffeine-like substance found in cocoa, can affect your pet’s cardiac, neurological, and gastrointestinal systems. Once swallowed, there is no specific antidote for chocolate poisoning, so call your veterinarian at once! Chocolate, however, is not […]
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Did your mom ever refer to chicken soup as homemade penicillin? Can food be medicine? Many are taking note of the benefits of good nutrition these days, and bone broth may be a prime example of food as a healing and restorative tincture. Bone broth is what you get when you slow-cook bones in water. […]
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Males are called bucks. Females are does. Babies are kits or kittens. No matter what you call them, domesticated rabbits are truly indoor pets. They do not do well once temperatures reach 80°F. If you keep your bunny in an outdoor hutch, it must be well-protected from the elements and have a mister system, fan or other way […]
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SECOND BEST FRIENDS: Your Pet’s Health & Safety Team
Some humans consider a second best friend a back-up plan, someone next in line if your bestie is not available to lend an ear, a shoulder or a good time. Some people feel like they are always a 2nd best friend, that they never hit the mark, the proverbial “always a Bridesmaid and never a […]
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Head-to-Tail, Snout-to-Tail, Wag-to-Woof or by any other name, performing an at-home exam of your dog or cat weekly to catch problems early on is a MUST! Dogs and cats don’t tell us when something is wrong. Responsible pet parents regularly look and feel to find anything not quite right. By getting to know your pet […]
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Dr. Buzby’s DIY Dog Master Course: Nail Trimming Without Fear
CODE: PSC22 for 25% OFF! When we walk, we land with our heels first. The soft fat pad & the flattening of the arch helps cushion the impact as our foot makes contacts with the ground. As we roll over our toes, the arch raises and the soft tissue structures are stretched, which creates […]
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So that you are prepared to bandage a wound, pull a tick, or soothe an upset tummy, make sure you have these most basic items, as well as the PET FIRST AID & CPR QUICK REFERENCE For Dog & Cat Parents & Pet Professionals. A Pet First Aid Kit is only good as the human […]
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TUMMY TROUBLES? Gastro Pro Plus to the Rescue
GI issues are one of the most common reason your dog or cat may end up at the vet and during the holidays…did Fido & Fluffy have a bit too much, something new and unusual, like treats from a friend, or something off the holiday table that their tummy isn’t used to? Just like us, […]
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Dog Sitting Services: Solutions to Help You & Your Dog During the Holidays
Dogs and other pets can (and should) be well-taken care off when you are on holiday, on a business trip, or at work. Professional dog sitting services provide your dogs with full attention to keep them occupied, active and happy rather than being alone for several hours or days. Always vet these service though, just […]
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Dog Memorials: How to Choose The Best One That Will Honor Your Furry Friend
As dog lovers, we do everything we can to make sure our pets are happy, healthy, and comfortable. We provide them with toys and treats and lavish them with attention. In many ways, they’re just as important as our human family members. Because the bond is so strong, it can be difficult to let go […]
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Pooch Feeling Poorly? 7 Signs Your Dog Is Sick
When your dog isn’t feeling well, he cannot speak up and let you know. However, there are signs you can look for which can help determine when your dog is feeling poorly. No one wants to see their dog suffering, so tune in and pay attention, do a weekly head-to-tail check to find problems at […]
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Things to Keep in Mind Before Acquiring Your First Puppy
As much as you might want to take home every puppy you see, there are several factors to consider before committing to puppy ownership. Making a dog part of your family for the life of that dog is a tremendous responsibility that should not be taken lightly. When you adopt a dog, you’re not only […]
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