How Pet Training Can Keep Your Dog Safe

Being a pet owner is an exciting and adventurous journey because you can develop a wonderful forever relationship with your pets. When you arrive home from work, they will wholeheartedly greet you with physical affection, which reduces stress and allows you to relax. These domesticated animals can also accompany you as you stay fit, make […]

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Pet Safety Fourth of July

Fourth of July

Keep Fido & Fluffy Safe This Fourth of July The weeks before and after the Fourth of July are among the busiest at Animal Shelters across the country. Fireworks can be fun for you, but dangerous for your pets.  In addition to the tips below, make sure ID Tags are accurate and easy to read and […]

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Holiday Pet Safety

Summer Plants that are Dangerous for Pets

Many common garden and landscaping plants are hazardous to your dog. Delightful to look at and sniff, if your pet ingests any plants on this list, he may experience vomiting, diarrhea, breathing difficulty, bloody or abnormal urine, hypersalivation, weakness, or something else not normal for him. It is a must for you to call your […]

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How an Emotional Support Animal Can Help Veterans Cope?

If you’re a veteran struggling with mental health issues, you might be wondering if an emotional support animal (ESA) could help. An ESA can provide companionship, love, and support, which can be extremely beneficial for veterans dealing with conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and depression.   In some cases, an ESA can even […]

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How to Choose the Right Harness for Your Boston Terrier

Walking is one of the best exercises for Boston Terriers. So, here you are looking for a harness that will make it the best experience for both of you. The best harness for your Boston Terrier will make walking or training easier and more fun.    Features to Consider on a Harness for Your Boston […]

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Why Cats Love Salmon Food

There is no denying that you all love your cats, otherwise you would not be taking the time to read our posts and ask questions about them. One frequently asked question, Doc, Cornucopia Pet Foods’ licensed and practicing veterinarian who has been active for over 50 years, has been receiving quite a lot lately, concerns cats and […]

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How to Care for Guppies: 6 Things You Should Know

Source:   Fish are relatively easy creatures to care for, making them a great low-maintenance or introductory pet. However, some types of fish are more high-maintenance than others.    Guppies are a fun beginner fish to add to an aquarium setup with bright colors and fan-shaped tails. Here’s how to care for guppies and […]

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Car Sickness is not a Plight that Only Humans Deal With: Here’s What to Do if Your Pet Gets Car Sick

Approximately 48% of dogs experience canine motion sickness, so there’s an almost 50% chance that your pet might suffer while riding in the passenger seat. If your dog is younger, they are more susceptible to this affliction, so knowing how to treat the symptoms from puppyhood is essential. These tips can help your pooch to enjoy car rides rather […]

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How do I start a dog bakery? A short guide

If you have a passion for starting a dog bakery, then this is the place where you will get the required type of guidance. So, here we will discuss, How do I start a dog bakery? Today, we will talk about the process here in detail, as before starting, you get a guideline.    Establishing […]

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Your Pet’s Tool Kit, His Pet First Aid Kit

In addition to knowing the life-saving skills of Pet First Aid and having the confidence to use them, anyone who spends time around pets must have a well-equipped tool kit (aka a Pet First Aid Kit) as precious time can be wasted looking for the right item once a pet has suffered sudden injury or […]

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Do You Need Pet Insurance for Your Cat?

In our day-to-day lives, we are told that we need insurance for a plethora of items – whether our personal health, our car, or our home. But did you ever think that it might also be necessary to get insurance for your pet? If you do not yet have pet insurance, this is something you […]

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According to the Mayo Clinic, a bezoar (BE-zor) is a solid mass of indigestible material that accumulates in the digestive tract.  Bezoars usually form in the stomach, occasionally in the small intestine, and rarely, in the large intestine, even forming blockages.  They are classified according to the material they are comprised of, and believe it […]

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