Category: Animal Care Tips

Benefits of Electrolyte Supplements for Horses
Horses in America are now mainly for recreational purposes or as pets. They are no longer required for transportation as they once were, but this does not mean that horses no longer hold significance. Caring for these majestic creatures isn’t easy, and they can sometimes suffer from physiological imbalances due to the loss of essential […]
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8 Ways to Help Your Dog Lose Weight
Obesity is a common problem in dogs and is often caused by improper diet. If your dog has a sausage profile, hidden ribs, and big belly, appears winded after minimal movement, wheezes when breathing, and struggles to get up from a lying or sitting position, it could be a sign that it is overweight or […]
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First-Aid Basics for Rabbits & Pocket Pets
Whether it’s August 24th, PET RABBIT DAY, November 12th FANCY RAT & MOUSE DAY or any day of the year, humans who share their lives with bunnies, mice, rats and other pocket pets must know that lagomorphs and rodents are not small cats or dogs, and signs of distress as well as care may differ […]
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Many dogs love to swim, chase a stick or just splash about in water. It can be a fun sport or great way to cool off however, all water is not created equally. Pools contain chlorine and other chemicals not intended for ingestion, so always bathe your canine’s coat after a dip. Ocean water is […]
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5 Common Dog Diseases and How to Prevent Them
Having a dog can be a fantastic experience, especially when shared with family and friends. However, the responsibility of owning a dog means having to take care of any disease or infections they might contract along the way. Older dogs are more prone to sickness, but even younger dogs can catch an illness or get […]
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What Causes Parvovirus In Your Dog And What To Do When They Get It
Parvo – What Every Dog Owner Needs To Know If you have a dog or puppy, you’ve most likely heard of parvovirus when taking your pet for their routine vaccinations. Most vets recommend that puppies get three vaccines for parvo beginning at six weeks of age. Because parvo is a common illness among young puppies […]
August 15th is “Check the Chip” day to remind you for the importance of not only getting your pet microchipped, but also of making sure that the information connected to that chip is updated and correct. Us humans often do the right thing and get our dogs and cat’s micro-chipped, but when we move or change […]
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Keeping Your Hamster or Gerbil Safe in Your Home
Both gerbils and hamsters are easy to look after which is why they are popular pets. There are 5 different species of hamsters that are commonly kept as pets, including Syrian hamsters and Dwarf hamsters. There are multiple species of gerbils as well, but the one most commonly kept as a pet is the Mongolian gerbil. […]
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Paws off the Barbie!
Firing up the grill is one of the most fun, and delicious perks of summer! It can, however, be a dangerous time for your pets: the possibilities of burns, skin irritations, eye trauma, choking, and ingesting harmful foods, bones, and objects, including grilling tools and food wrappers. Take precautions to ensure a fun time […]
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The Greatest Techniques to Prevent Your Dog from Consuming Poop
Although having a pup in your natural life is wonderful, there are some drawbacks as well. The fact that pups may be somewhat disgusting is one of the drawbacks. They consume a wide variety of foods and also leave behind some rather revolting disorders. You understand what I’m speaking about if you own a pup. […]
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WATER SAFETY: In it, Not Enough of It or Too Much
In Water Quoting from March 25th, 2019… “It’s not just hunger, being cold, wet, and abandoned, dogs can’t live long without water and in 2019’s record-breaking floods, the flood water is poisonous…In addition to bacteria from so many dead and decaying animals, [it has been reported that as] You get closer to the house […]
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DIY Swimming Lessons for Your Dog: Pet Water Safety
Just because your dog’s last name is “Retriever” doesn’t mean he knows how to swim! You can however, help him beat the heat during those dog days of summer with swimming lessons. That’s right! Kids take swimming lessons and now your dog can too. An estimated 10,000 dogs drown each year in the United States […]
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