Seasonal Changes: Cold & Dark and their Effects on Our Pet’s Diet & Activity

As we roll into late Autumn, many humans experience a mood shift of sorts due to plunging temperatures and pushing back the clocks.   It’s the time of year with shorter days, colder temperatures and sometimes bouts of the winter blues!  Sluggishness, or just a desire to do nothing and hunker down indoors, is known as […]

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Ways to Help Your Senior Dog Move Better

As our best friends age, muscles atrophy, joints weaken and bones are just not as strong as they once were. All of these things contribute to simple movements becoming increasingly difficult for your aging pooch. Don’t despair.  Although we can’t completely turn back the hands of time, there are things we can do to help […]

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How Much Sleep Do Older Dogs Need?

  Dogs, like humans, need sleep to maintain their health. Also like humans, those sleep needs change as they age. Changing Sleep Needs Puppies may sleep as many as 20 hours a day. Their bodies go through rapid changes and growth that take massive amounts of energy. Adult dogs average about 12 to 14 hours […]

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Halloween Pet Safety Tips

Things that go bump in the night shouldn’t include your pets, so follow a few simple tips to make sure Howl-o-ween won’t be scary or dangerous for canines or felines!   PREVENT A HOUDINI ACT Know where your pets are at all times.  Walk them before dark, but since it’s getting dark earlier…you should definitely […]

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Rescuing Tweety or Helping Bugs Feel Better BEFORE Veterinary Help is Available

Two new books and online classes have been unveiled by Denise Fleck, the Pet Safety Crusader™, to help you help your smaller family members in the event of injury or illness and BEFORE you can get to veterinary care!  “Basic Bird First Aid” and “First Aid Basics for Rabbits and Pocket Pets” provide the 4-1-1 […]

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Reptile First Aid

In preparation for October 21st…REPTILE AWARENESS DAY, I thought I’d share the basic 4-1-1  those of you who care for our friends who crawl need to know!   HERPETOLOGY is the study of reptiles & amphibians. The word comes from the Greek word “Herpeton” meaning “crawling things.” Reptiles, like Amphibians, are vertebrates and ectotherms (cold-blooded) meaning they don’t use […]

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Car Safety

PRACTICE PET SAFETY DAILY! Every year thousands of animals are injured, die or become lost in car accidents.  They can be thrown against dashboards, windows, seat backs or floors.  Wearing your seat belt costs nothing but the cost for not wearing one can be a heavy price!  This applies to our best pals too!  A […]

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Service, Support & Therapy Dogs

Many of us incorrectly use these terms interchangeably, but really should not as there’s a definite difference between these three working dog classifications:  Service, Support & Therapy Dogs!           Service dogs  Service dogs help people who are physically disabled, sight and/or hearing-impaired, wheelchair bound, or have other health challenges that limit […]

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Just Like Noah’s Ark, Gen7Pets™ Cares for Our Animal Friends!

Noah and his sons, together with his wife and the wives of his three sons, entered the ark. They had with them every wild animal according to its kind, all livestock…every creature that moves along the ground and every bird.  Pairs of all creatures that have the breath of life in them came to Noah […]

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7 Pro-Active Tips That Could Save Your Pet’s Life

The Animal Poison Control Center receives hundreds of thousands of calls from anxious pet owners each year due to curious noses or frisky paws getting something they should not have.  Keeping a safe environment but also knowing what to do once disaster strikes are two obligations every pet owner shares. By taking action before it […]

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I suppose it’s possible, yet highly unlikely in this age of ever-present news, that you may not have realized what’s been happening to our Eastern Seaboard and even inland.  Tremendous flooding is not wreaking havoc just at the coast, but rivers are cresting due to Hurricane (now Tropical Storm) Florence and waters are rising 8-10 […]

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Pet Birth Defect Awareness Day – September 13th

Visually and hearing impaired doesn’t stop this dog from having one heck of a fun-filled life!  He has two daddies who adore him, tons of fans and a pack of canines all his own.  Learn about the Adventures of Chatopotomus on his very own Facebook page!   WHAT ARE BIRTH DEFECTS? To a certain degree, […]

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