When you bring home a canine companion, you make a long-term commitment. You have to make sure that the animal stays happy and healthy throughout its lifetime. It is not just about regular health check-ups and vaccines, but you also need to take care of the pet’s mental health. Dogs are susceptible to anxiety due to separation, loud noises, and new environments. At times, you may not even realize that your pet is struggling with it. Knowing the signs is crucial so that you can nip the problem in the bud. Here are some signs you are dealing with an anxious dog.
Continuous barking
Barking is normal behavior if the dog sees or experiences something unusual. But if it barks continuously without any reason, consider it a sign of anxiety. The pet may also get more sensitive to quick movements and noises like firecrackers and thunderstorms. Try distracting them with soothing words and soft music to calm them down. If the dog still barks continuously, it needs help.
If the animal paces around the house, it may be a sign of anxiety, as it happens with humans. Watch the pacing pattern as the animal may walk back and forth in a straight line or move around in circles. Pacing tends to lower the energy levels, leaving the dog tired. You can take the animal on a long walk or jog as it burns off the energy. Moreover, taking it outdoors in the fresh air helps to calm down nerves.
Chewing everything in sight
Another sign of anxiety is chewing on objects around the house. It will chew on everything besides food, from door frames to window sills, upholstery, furniture, and even doorways. You can alleviate the animal’s urge to gnaw by giving it a dog lick mat, chew toy, or bone. Ensure that you leave them with something safe to chew or lick so that it does not harm itself when it feels anxious.
Trembling and shaking
Some signs of anxiety are easier to spot. Trembling and shaking indicate moderate to severe anxiety. It means that your pet needs help, and you must consult a vet sooner rather than later. A combination of medications, behavioral therapy, and lifestyle changes can help address more serious forms of anxiety. Try using puzzle toys to present mental challenges and keep the dog busy, and you will notice a change for the better.
If your dog seems to scratch its skin continuously, it could be more than itching or skin allergy. The animal may be struggling with anxiety if it feels itchy more often than not. Get a complete check-up to rule out the signs of skin allergies and ticks. Watch out for additional symptoms such as constant yawning, lip licking, drooling, and general body tension. If these signs persist, get professional guidance to address the problem.
Canine anxiety is common, and every pet owner has to deal with it more than once. Start by understanding the triggers and avoiding them as much as possible. Some small changes to the dog’s routine can help. You can consult a dog trainer or vet for more severe cases.